
The purpose of this page is to distribute informations to help the planning during the AquaVit intercomparison campaign. Additional this site is used to store our data sets for the ["Instruments"]. Please sign the [attachment:DataProtokoll.pdf data protocol] and submit your data dependent to the DataFormatDescription.

Additional informations could be found at

So you can find all information concerning measurements planning during the campaign. If possible, we will provide informations shown during science meetings as well.

If you are interested in how this site works, and maybe would like to contribute, please read the next paragraph How to use this site. If you just want to look at the information mentioned above follow the links below.

How to use this site

A Wiki is a collaborative site, anyone can contribute and share:

 * For instructions to upload files see [wiki:/Uploadfiles Attachments].

Include(AquaVitWiki/Description) Include(AquaVitWiki/FirstSteps)


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